Variable-complexity optimization applied to airfoil design
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منابع مشابه
Airfoil Shape Optimization with Adaptive Mutation Genetic Algorithm
An efficient method for scattering Genetic Algorithm (GA) individuals in the design space is proposed to accelerate airfoil shape optimization. The method used here is based on the variation of the mutation rate for each gene of the chromosomes by taking feedback from the current population. An adaptive method for airfoil shape parameterization is also applied and its impact on the optimum desi...
متن کاملTransonic Airfoil Shape Optimization Using Variable-Resolution Models and Pressure Distribution Alignment
A computationally efficient and robust methodology for transonic airfoil design is presented. The approach replaces the direct optimization of an accurate, but computationally expensive, high-fidelity airfoil model by an iterative re-optimization of a corrected low-fidelity model. The low-fidelity model is based on the same governing fluid flow equations as the high-fidelity one, but uses coars...
متن کاملOptimization for Airfoil Design
A significant challenge to the application of evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO) for transonic airfoil design is the often excessive number of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations required to ensure convergence. In this study, a multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) framework is introduced, which incorporates designer preferences to provide further guidance in ...
متن کاملAn Implementation of Self-Organizing Maps for Airfoil Design Exploration via Multi-Objective Optimization Technique
AbstrAct: Design candidates obtained from optimization techniques may have meaningful information, which provides not only the best solution, but also a relationship between object functions and design variables. In particular, trade-off studies for optimum airfoil shape design involving various objectives and design variables require the effective analysis tool to take into account a complexit...
متن کاملThe Effects of Shape Parameterization on the Efficiency of Evolutionary Design Optimization for Viscous Transonic Airfoils
The effect of airfoil shape parameterization on optimum design and its influence on the convergence of the evolutionary optimization process is presented. Three popular airfoil parametric methods including PARSEC, Sobieczky and B-Spline (Bezier curve) are studied and their efficiency and results are compared with those of a new method. The new method takes into consideration the characteristics...
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